What is Scrap Gold?
So, just what the heck is 'scrap gold' exactly, you might ask.
Well, scrap gold is basically anything that has gold in it. This includes the following examples and more.
- Bent, broken and mismatched jewelry.
- Bracelets or chains that are inextricably tangled.
- Broken and unwanted gold scraps.
- Casting gold and grain.
- Cluster rings and gold bracelets.
- Gold alloys.
- Gold bullion.
- Gold chains.
- Gold class rings.
- Gold coins and bars.
- Gold dental crowns and bridgework.
- Old gold watches.
- Placer gold and more.
The list of things that would qualify as scrap gold could go on just about forever, but these are some of the more common examples of scrap gold materials.
Selling My Scrap Gold
When selling your gold for scrap, obviously the condition of the gold item is of no importance. As long as there’s gold to be recovered, then it’s the ideal candidate for selling as scrap gold.
When it comes to broken jewelry items, most often it is not practical to repair. Things such as broken or mismatched gold earrings and other jewelries, broken chains etc are best gathered together and sold as gold scrap.
You have to realize though, that you will not get paid the face value of the items you are selling, but rather you will be paid for just the gold value contained within the item.
See Selling Gold By Weight - How to Sell Scrap Gold by the Karat to learn more about how scrap gold is valued for purchase based on its overall weight and karat, or quality.
How Do I Sell Scrap Gold?
When it comes to selling scrap gold, there is no shortage of buyers. With the economy in resession and gold prices high, it seems everyone and their dog is in the market of buying old, used, damaged and unwanted scrap gold.
However, when it comes to selling gold, the challenge becomes fining a gold buyer willing to pay you up front, in cash, an amount close to fair market value. In our experience, one of the best ways to sell off scrap gold is either by hosting a gold party where people bring their scap gold and sell it for cash, or via a private gold buying consultation.
So, the good news is, there are lots of places to sell your scrap gold and unwanted gold jewelry. The bad news is that you have to beware the gold buying scams and gold party rip offs.
If you live in Canada, we recommend you contact the good people at Gold Parties Canada. They host gold home parties and pay a good price for scrap gold and gold jewelry. They host a good party that your guests will enjoy, and they pay up front in cold hard cash.
Gold Parties Canada also does private gold buying consultations and if you prefer, you can contact them about mail in gold buying transations.
If you live in the United States, then we recommend Fast Cash Gold Parties. They work basically the same as Gold Parties Canada. The two gold buying companies, although working independent of one another on either sides of the border, they are in fact affiliated with one another.
They both pay fair value for your unwanted scrap gold, they pay in cash, and for anyone wanting to make a business out of hosting gold parties they have one of, if not the very best, gold party system out there.
What are the Different Ways I Can Sell Scrap Gold?
Gold parties aren't necessarily for everyone, and you do have other options when it comes to selling scrap gold.
Here are some of the ways to sell your scrap gold.
- Local Jewelers - Check your local jeweler to assess your scrap gold. The problem is, they usually don't pay much for scrap gold.
- Online Gold Dealers - Generally this involves giving your scrap gold to online dealers who provide you with special gold kits or mail-in envelopes for you to send your gold. Although some do offer better prices, extra caution is needed when doing online transactions. These online gold buyers also take longer to pay you.
- Online Gold Auctions - Auction sites like eBay can be a good place to sell your scrap gold online.
The amount you get paid for your scrap gold is determined by purity, the current price of gold in the market place and the gold buyer you sell your gold to.
Return to the How to Sell Old Gold and Jewelry For Cash main page.
Read Selling Gold By The Carat (Karat) How to Sell Your Old Gold and Jewelry By The Karat (Carat) to learn more about selling gold by weight.
Go to Gold Bullion and Gold Bars - Buying, Selling and Valuing Gold Bullion and Bars to learn more about buying, selling and valuing gold.
Learn more about How to Value and Sell Old Gold Jewelry.
How and where to Sell Gold Coins.
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